Our friends at Thairific will be closing up shop for the winter so they will be leaving us at the end of October. Make sure you swing by for some tasty Thai food before they are done for the season!
Upcoming dates are as follows:
- Oct. 6 & 7 - 12:30pm - 7pm
- Oct. 12 & 13 - 12:30pm - 7pm
- Oct. 20 & 22 - 12:30pm - 7pm
- Oct. 26 - 29 - 12:30pm - 7pm
For more information visit Thairific.ca.

PLEASE NOTE: Occasionally things don't go as planned and the food truck might be a little late, have to cancel a visit or better yet sometimes they get a cancellation someplace and can come hang with us. As soon as something like that happens we let everyone know via our social media streams and you are always welcome to give us a call .