2nd Annual Porchfest After Party
Saturday September 24, 2022 @ 6pm - 9pm'ish
Dr. Watermeister and Dr. Nightshade aka Rick Hodgson and Mark Smith are making their triumphant return to our patio for our Porchfest After Party, and we couldn't be happier about it. These musicians wowed us last year and they are back to do it all over again.
We'll have the Pinched Perogi on site all day (or until they sell out) the fire will be burning, fresh popcorn popping and all the wonderful beer!
Dr. Watermeister
a.k.a. Rick D Hodgson has been playing music since the first time he took swimming lessons… Rick is a singer/songwriter/guitarist and harmonica player. He plays an eclectic variety of popular music ranging from fingerstyle blues to popular tunes of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s.

Dr. Nightshade
a.k.a. Mark A Smith has been playing since he’s a baby. Dr. Nightshade delivers an eclectic set of blues, folk, rock and country interspersed with his hand crafted original tunes!

Porchfest Belleville is a local celebration of music, where residents in the East Hill neighborhood perform on front porches to an audience that moves from house to house. Porchfest runs from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday afternoon and attracts dozens of performers and hundreds of spectators to this grassroots community event each year. A great way to explore East Hill while enjoying the talents of our local musicians.
The following link will take you to a complete map of all of the performers See the Map