Gingerbread House Decorating


December 10, 2023    
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Meyers Creek Brewing Company
60 Dundas Street East, Belleville, Ontario, K8N 1B8

Event Type

Purchase Ticket Now

There is nothing better than spending an afternoon decorating a gingerbread house while drinking beer! Join us for our 2nd Annual Grown Up Gingerbread House Decorating Challenge. A ticket includes 1 beer and 1 gingerbread-house-making kit. The winning house will receive a Meyers Creek gift pack and all the bragging rights!

Contestants my bring a maximum of 2 additional decorating ingredients. Things like Shreddies, and more icing are allowed, additional gingerbread, bags of mixed candy or preassembled elements are not. Winners will be judged by contestants and customers in house at the time of the vote (you can’t vote for yourself).

All contestants will take their creations home and agree to have their creations photographed for our social media.

If you are team decorating only one member of your team needs to sign up. Space is limited. Should presales not fill all the spots, tickets will be made available at the door until we are filled.


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