Welcome to Open Mic Night!
Hosted by musician Ray Flood our Open Mic format style session is open to all levels, genres, music, instruments, poetry, spoken word storytellers and comedy. We hope you will join us for a well deserved bit of mid week fun.
Contact Ray directly to signup at (613) 827 5797 or simple show up and we’ll do our best to get you a spot!
Please note the physical space is small and is best suited for acoustic performances of a solo or at most a duo.
A bit on Ray;
Co-founder of the former band Frettless, Ray has preformed throughout the Napanee/Picton/Belleville area.
Most recently Ray has been busy Hosting and Running Open Mic’s and Mini Festivals in the Belleville and Colbourne areas. Ray’s easy going manner creates a fun event for performers and the audiences alike. He blends seasoned guest musicians while encouraging new talents to take the stage.