I’m not 100% sure what happened to January but it’s already February and while the year is only a month old watching the snow pile up has me contemplating how far we’ve come.
In the upcoming weeks as construction in the brewery gets underway in earnest we’ll be posting lots of photos but before we get to what we’re doing on the inside of the building I thought you might like to know a bit about how far 60 Dundas East has come.
We know that most recently our building was home to Seaway Communications who was responsible for local emergency calls among other things. As we understand it the concrete block addition at the back of the building was put in by Seaway as a secure location for emergency call operators. Lucky for us that space is going to make a perfect production room for brewing.
Back in the 1960s, before the concrete block addition, the building went by the name of Jim’s Lunch and from the photos below looks like it was a happening spot. We’re not sure about what was happening in our building in the early 1900’s but we know our building is on maps of the city from the late 1800’s and it appears to be a private residence. All the layers of wallpaper we uncovered tends to support the idea that this was someone's home many years ago.
These photos taken of our buildings exterior were gifted to us last year by a gentleman who dropped them off one day out of the blue. Needless to say the holes we uncovered in the brickwork, facing Dundas street, make so much more sense now.
Side note - if you have any old photos or stories of our building please share! Send to info@meyerscreekbrewing.ca or comment below.
60 Dundas Street East Through The Years
View the full image of 1874 Bird's Eye View of Belleville, Ontario (Community Archives on Flickr)
The house and bedrooms were owned by Jimmy Yeotes ,many young men lived in the house when they first moved to Belleville from Greece.Among them Peter Zemanis,who owned Mr.Zed’s on Front St.for many years.Mr. Zed’s, was a billiard hall and I think it is now serving Greek food.Also the photos were supplied by Deryk McGrath.
Deryk! Thank you so much for the photos and the details on the history of the building. Such an interesting part of Belleville’s history. Thanks for helping us to keep it alive. Cheers!
Seaway moved into the building in 1977 or 1978 from 210 Church St.,the building was owned by Demetra Cooke,who was Jimmy Yeotes daughter.142 Church st. was owned by another daughter by the name of MacDonald.Jimmy Yeotes ,I believe owned all the properties on Church St.down to the municipal parking lot.
Wow, just came across this randomly. I’m very proud and thankful to have the opportunity helping with the renovations to turn it into a great little place for locals. Massive improvement to downtown, it can use all the help it can get 😉